First Night Design | Déjeuner de Luxe #Art

Déjeuner de Luxe © Sarah Vernon - Crated
Déjeuner de Luxe © Sarah Vernon – Crated

Paul-François Quinsac (1858–1929) was a French artist who specialised in mythological and allegorical subjects, figures and landscapes.

His painting A Beauty in Violet (1909) was the perfect backdrop to create a faux-Victorian advertisement with vintage elements from The Graphics Fairy, including an intricate twirl for a headpiece, embellished with one of my embossed flowers that I created in the early days.

Déjeuner de Luxe Flask
Déjeuner de Luxe Flask by FirstNightDesign

Déjeuner de Luxe Postcard
Déjeuner de Luxe Postcard by FirstNightDesign

Take care and keep laughing!


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