First Night Design | “I have a gift for enraging people…” #Art #Gifts

Lulu in Hollywood Card
Lulu in Hollywood Card by FirstNightDesign

Lulu in Hollywood © Sarah Vernon at Saatchi Art
Lulu in Hollywood © Sarah Vernon at Saatchi Art

Reposting the incomparable Tallulah yesterday gave me a taste for creating another of my Hollywood images à la Edward Steichen. I found an image of silent film star Louise Brooks from Hello-Tuesday and used the vintage wallpaper from MGB Stock that I’ve used previously (DeviantArt). It is, I believe, a still from Pandora’s Box (1929) — ‘The rise and inevitable fall of an amoral but naïve young woman whose insouciant eroticism inspires lust and violence in those around her.’ This time, however, I have done it slightly differently and given her a background of the wallpaper in its original form. The effect of this can be better seen if you click on Saatchi Art or  Fine Art America.

“I have a gift for enraging people, but if I ever bore you it will be with a knife.”
Louise Brooks

“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept anything without wishing I had given it away.”
— Louise Brooks

Lulu in Hollywood Wrist Watches
Lulu in Hollywood Wrist Watches by FirstNightDesign

Available at the following galleries:
Zazzle US
Zazzle UK
Fine Art America [14 fulfillment centers in 5 countries]
Saatchi Art

Take care and keep laughing!


16 thoughts on “First Night Design | “I have a gift for enraging people…” #Art #Gifts

  1. You know how I feel about Louise Brooks, Sarah. Beautiful face, flawless bob. She can do no wrong, where I am concerned. A lovely image of a fascinating woman.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Translation – powerful woman secure in her sexuality gets taken down by men who felt threatened.

    I can’t even imagine what the Hollywood of the pre-McCarthy era even looked like. Probably a whole lotta dangerous and a whole lotta fun! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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