First Night Design | ‘Make Me a Willow Cabin…’ #Valentine

Make Me a Willow Cabin Valentine Postcard
Make Me a Willow Cabin Valentine Postcard

Make Me a Willow Cabin was created some time ago but I don’t think I’ve ever sold it as a greeting card or postcard or on anything, which is a shame. I’m rather fond of it.

‘Make me a willow cabin…,’ declares Viola to Olivia in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Viola, disguised as Cesario, has been sent by Orsino to declare his love for Olivia. Viola, however, chooses to give the message in her own way, telling Olivia that if he, Cesario, were in love with her, he would go much further than simply send a go-between.

Available at the following galleries:
Zazzle US
Zazzle UK

Take care and keep laughing!


26 thoughts on “First Night Design | ‘Make Me a Willow Cabin…’ #Valentine

      1. We moved unexpectedly just before the new year. Hence photography and the subsequent blogging has all taken a back-seat whilst renovations take place. Hopefully next month I will “slowly” get back into it… one blog at a time as they say, lol! 😉

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