First Night Design | Let There Be Light!

© Sarah Vernon Note the bulging black bin liners
© Sarah Vernon Note the bulging black bin liners
© Sarah Vernon
© Sarah Vernon

A flying visit to show there’s a little more order in the house. Not much but a little. The downside is that the word ‘flying’ is a complete misnomer as I’ve overexerted myself and done something to my hip (yes, the one that was replaced a few years ago). This means that my rather grand, brass-effect zimmer frame bought in Crete has come in very handy.

© Sarah Vernon
© Sarah Vernon

It doesn’t, however, allow for much sorting out of what remains to be done but I’ve employed a delightful handyman who hails from Vienna and has been a local here for many years. He moved a multitude of heavy boxes — yes, those damn books — from one room to the other on Friday, and he is returning to put together some flat pack beds and a couple of other units (Ikea, naturally) Oh, and move more boxes.

In the meantime, life can be very sweet when you least expect it for on the sales front, I’ve sold two of these light switch covers…

Vins Spiritueux, Nectar of the Gods Light Switch Cover
Vins Spiritueux, Nectar of the Gods Light Switch Cover by FirstNightDesign

…lots of these stickers…

…this poster…

…and this poster too.

Taormina Poster
Taormina Poster by FirstNightDesign

Not to mention two of these chocolate cushions.

Burlap Simple Chocolate Brown Throw Pillow
Burlap Simple Chocolate Brown Throw Pillow by FirstNightDesign

I’m itching to create but until my new sofa arrives, I can’t get comfortable enough to do so.

Take care and keep laughing!


47 thoughts on “First Night Design | Let There Be Light!

  1. Your new home looks lovely, even before you get it finished, Sarah. I hope you get your hip sorted out soon. I can’t imagine how you manage the spiral stairs. Are you sleeping downstairs?
    ❤ Best Wishes, from Sarah #2

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Sarah. The spiral staircase is not as difficult as you might think because it holds me in each side and is not as dangerous as the ordinary stairs are to the next floor should I lose my balance. Having said that, the time will come – sooner rather than later – when I’ll have to think about a bespoke stair lift!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Good morning, Sarah….Oh the cottage looks perfect….sort of as I had imagined it to be. Allow your new Viennese helper to do any heavy work, and sit back, allow the hip to heal and enjoy – and of course keep smiling:):) Janet. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Like Sarah 2, I also thought of that spiral staircase. They were the blight of my life as an Ambulanceman in Kensington. The place looks perfect though, and the handyman sounds ideal for all those tiresome moving-in jobs.
    Well done on the sales too. That must have really cheered you up.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure they were. But they’re awfully pretty so even when I have to have a stair lift or something other in the future, I could never get rid of them! Yes, the sales were a treat. xx


  4. Am so happy to have found your blog, I know all about moving and the boxes of books are always a killer! We still haven’t unpacked some of ours after two years in France! Have lived on several Islands but my home was the Isle of Wight, we moved there when I was 2, it was where I grew up and have so many happy memories, it is still where I call home. Where are you on the Island? I heard on the news the other day it was the driest July on the IOW on record. Susan x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How lovely to meet you, Susan! There is something very special about the Island. I’m in Bembridge and know it from my childhood as all our summer holidays were spent here. We had an old Victorian railway carriage on a bit of land that my grandmother bought after the war and it was delightful. Dry? Maybe but it’s rather windy!


  5. This looks so very lovely, Sarah. Such a handsome cottage of brick and flint. Wishing you every happiness here. And as Janet says, let the hip heal.I know it’s hard not to DO stuff, and especially when you want to get it all sorted.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s already looking wonderful, Sarah, even with the boxes still to be unpacked. Sorry about your hip, which isn’t going to make life easy but great you have found a handyman. And well done on the sales.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It does look great and full of character. I’m sorry to hear about your hip though but happy that you’ve found some help. And great news about the sales. I’d never thought about light switch covers but they are a great idea and beautiful. I’m taking notes for wherever I move next. Wishing you a prompt recovery and many more sales, Sarah!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It’s so exciting to see your home take shape. I’m sorry about your hip. Hope it’s all better soon. Please keep taking pictures until your house is all finished. Looks as if it’s going to be lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh, dear Sarah! I’m glad you have help to unpack and move things around. We do tend to overestimate our own strength at these times, don’t we? Do take care, and thanks for the glimpse of your new digs. May your home be blessed and may your days and nights there be touched by the grace of peace, happy times and creativity.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Much thanks, Cynthia. I took special care today and went to the local hospital and had the hip and a couple of other things checked out. Nothing serious has or is happening, for which I am thankful. The sun is shining too!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I love this home! What a gorgeous staircase!! I assume you have a well-appointed guest room waiting for my visit. 😉

    I hope your hip gets better soon. 😦 I’m glad you’ve met a Viennese handyman who can help move things, heavy books included.

    I’m so excited about your new home!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Your new home looks absolutely charming…warm and full of interesting details. I know what you mean about lugging books from home to home, but what else can we do? Hope your hip gets better quickly so you can get settled in. So happy for you!

    Liked by 1 person

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