First Night Design | The Grapes of Worth for Mother

The Grapes of Worth © Sarah Vernon
Buy The Grapes of Worth for Mother © Sarah Vernon

Could I have resisted the impulse to call this The Grapes of Worth? Of course not. Let’s hear it for John Steinbeck!

It started life as a gentle Christmas image for those who prefer their cards not to be overloaded with symbols of the season. And then my computer, as many of you know, died completely. I give it to you now as a Mother’s Day piece.

Grapes and French brasserie advertising from The Graphics Fairy.
Texture from Kerstin Frank.

Available at the following galleries:
Zazzle US
Zazzle UK
Fine Art America
Fine Art England

Take care and keep laughing!


6 thoughts on “First Night Design | The Grapes of Worth for Mother

  1. I can imagine mothers everywhere being greatly encouraged by this image Sarah 😀 Mother’s day is definitely a good reason(excuse) to raise a glass! 😀 Hope your internet problems are now resolved? :/ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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