First Night Design | The Greta Garbo Tattoo

The Greta Garbo Tattoo © First Night Design
The Greta Garbo Tattoo © First Night Design

Here is another in my Hollywood series that takes its inspiration from the famous Edward Steichen portrait of actress Gloria Swanson covered in lace and held by the Museum of Modern Art.  The Greta Garbo photo (Hello-Tuesday), and the vintage wallpaper (MGB-Stock) that I used to create the lace effect, are from Deviantart.

Garbo’s skin in the original shot is so luminous that I was, at first, reluctant to give her the same treatment as SwansonClara Bow and Louise Brooks but everyone urged me on, so here she is!

“There is no one who would have me – I can’t cook.”

“Anyone who has a continuous smile on his face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening.”

“I never said, ‘I want to be alone.’ I only said, ‘I want to be left alone.’ There is all the difference.”

“There are some who want to get married and others who don’t. I have never had an impulse to go to the altar. I am a difficult person to lead.”

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Take care and keep laughing!


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