First Night Design | #Valentine Blush #Screenwriting

Valentine Blush © First Night Design/Sarah Vernon

I can’t bear it when I have nothing of my own to post because while I love finding other work on art, books, writing or photography to introduce you to, there’s always those niggling thoughts that run: “But you need to be promoting your own work to earn money!” or “Why aren’t you going back to writing your memoirs?” But it’s got to stop, as I’m sure you’ll tell me. Living is more important when push comes to ultimate shove and you’re not the twenty-eight-year-old you feel.

Quentin Crisp NYC 1992 Ross Bennett Lewis

Valentine Blush is new and I had every intention of uploading it to the galleries in time to catch the Valentine market. It didn’t happen and so it’s still not available to buy. I don’t care because I’ve become more embedded in the local community by making some new friends including writer Barbara Jane Mackie whose screenwriter father, Philip Mackie, adapted short stories by Saki in 1962 with a cast that just happened to include my father, Richard Vernon. Some of you might remember Mackie’s later work as he was responsible for the incomparable adaptation of The Naked Civil Servant [1975] with a never-to-be-forgotten performance by the late John Hurt as Quentin Crisp.

Take care and keep laughing!


12 thoughts on “First Night Design | #Valentine Blush #Screenwriting

  1. I dunno, but it seems to me that by promoting other people’s stuff you end up promoting your own. You give us multiple reasons to keep an eye on your site–which ends up promoting your work.

    So there.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. There will be another Valentine’s Day next year so you are well ahead of the game for then! Great story about meeting Barbara Jane McKie and the link to your own father. I love how these connections occur.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lovely Valentine, Sarah – I’m sure you’ll get around to uploading it somewhen, as they say in the Isle of Wight! It’s a great feeling when you meet someone new, with whom you have a connection, making links in your community. I do remember John Hurt’s performance inThe Naked Civil Servant – quite racy for 1975! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

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