Sugar-Dusted Christmas Fruit Invitations | Zazzle

Original & vintage art © First Night Design []

Source: Sugar-Dusted Christmas Fruit Card | Zazzle

Take care and keep laughing!


15 thoughts on “Sugar-Dusted Christmas Fruit Invitations | Zazzle

      1. Oh Sarah, are you alone at Christmas? That makes me sad. I am supposed to be going to my step-daughter’s for two days, but otherwise, you would be welcome. For myself, I cannot stand Christmas, and would happily spend it alone…X

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I don’t know yet. I don’t want to impose myself on my sister-in-law and she tends not to approach the holiday until 1st December at the earliest so we shall see. Next year I’ll be in a position to invite them here! But don’t feel sorry for me because I shall be spending Christmas Eve at the pub next door, most likely, and I am known for enjoying Christmas on my own. I’ve done it before with great enjoyment. x


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