First Night Design | ‘I would like my roses to see you’

Red Rose © Sarah Vernon [Crated]
Red Rose © Sarah Vernon [Crated]

As it’s been a while since I’ve shown the layers that go into creating a particular image, I thought I’d give you the three pieces that make up Red Rose.

I started with the back of a vintage advertising card from The Old Design Shop.


But no matter what I tried, it would not gel with this rose from The Graphics Fairy.


I discarded it and went in search of a background with reddish tones from 2 Lil’ Owls’ Effervescent collection and decided upon this number.

2LO Effervescent 12blog

The effect created by blending the rose in ‘multiply’ mode over the top was very pleasing but there was something missing.

I searched through 2 Lil’ Owls‘ French Brocante collection and my first choice proved the perfect addition when blended in ‘colour burn’ mode and sandwiched between the rose and the ‘effervescent’ background.

2LO French Brocante 1-20blog

Et voilà!

Red Rose © Sarah Vernon [Crated]

As I’ve often said, there’s many a tweak and a twist in the process before I’m happy but if you are expecting me to write it all out in this post, you’ve got another think coming! As Shirley Conran so memorably once said, life’s too short to stuff a mushroom, and it’s certainly too short to detail each tweak. Pay me and I might!

‘Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m schizophrenic, and so am I.’
Oscar Levant

‘Won’t you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you.’
Richard Brinsley Sheridan

Take care and keep laughing!


13 thoughts on “First Night Design | ‘I would like my roses to see you’

    1. Thanks, Olga. Not to mention that the memory is not what it was! Of course I could always write down each step but I go backwards and forwards and make a hundred or more adjustments. Deeply boring, I suspect.


    1. Thank you so much for both the compliment and the award – I’m thrilled. However, I have so many awards backed up and can never keep up that I’m making the blog an award-free zone, I’m afraid. I will be doing a post naming all of you lovely people. It’s just a question of when! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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