Empower the UK Government or Parliament to regulate ferry prices. – Petitions

Click to buy Bembridge Lifeboat Station framed print (Fine Art America) © Sarah Vernon

This not my usual type of post to be sure but it’s something I find exceedingly worrying. If we don’t do something about the Isle of Wight ferry companies and the truly extortionate prices they charge  — Wightlink and Red Funnel — the Island where I now live will go down the drain. No political party in government over the last few decades has ever seemingly given the Island the money it needs just to maintain the status quo, let alone improve and repair the infrastructure and services.

One of the reasons ferry prices are sounding the death knell is that tourists can’t afford to come over and we can’t afford to get off, whether it’s to visit friends, see our families on the mainland or go to a better equipped and staffed hospital. During the heat wave, Cornwall’s beaches were packed; on the whole, those on the IOW were not.

I could say more about the way the Island has been poorly served over the decades but I won’t. To find out more about the knock-on effect of the ferry prices at The IOW Fixed Link Tunnel Campaign on Facebook and The PRO-LINK Campaign for an Isle of Wight Fixed Link.

As I’ve said before, I have known the Island since I was a child in the ’60s and it is very dear to me. I will not let it go down the plug ‘ole. With that in mind, I beg you if you are a British resident to sign the petition and then re-blog, post on Facebook, tweet, or any other kind of sharing so that the word gets out. A fixed link is the only answer that makes real sense but that’s a long way off. Cheaper ferry prices have to be sought for the interim. It may not happen but the campaign getting headlines could make the right person or persons think again about what can be done.

Empower the UK Government or Parliament to regulate ferry prices.
With current ferry prices being unregulated, companies are permitted to charge whatever they wish for crossings. UK residents living in such places as the Isle of Wight are charged excessive amounts for commuting or travel to see family and friends. Likewise for tourists going the other way.

via Empower the UK Government or Parliament to regulate ferry prices. – Petitions


The IOW Fixed Link Tunnel Campaign on Facebook

The PRO-LINK Campaign for an Isle of Wight Fixed Link

Take care and keep laughing!


12 thoughts on “Empower the UK Government or Parliament to regulate ferry prices. – Petitions

  1. I have never been to the IOW. Despite one of my oldest friends moving there a few years back, and then you moving back there from Crete, ferry prices have put me off making the trip to visit you both.
    I have signed the petition, and shared the link, and I have also shared your post on Twitter, Google+, and Linkedin.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have signed petition. What a mess this country is in! If half on one percent of the energy put into Brexit and all the lies surrounding it…imagine what we could do for this country, including the Isle of Wight. Good luck with this and have a lovely weekend. Janet xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Various suggestions have been made over the years, as I understand it, but there always seem to be either legal problems when it comes to these particular private commercial enterprises or obstinacy. Not surprisingly, greed is at the heart of it. Our current MP voices pretty words that would make you think he’s behind us but like most of them, he’s not interested in the Island even though his forebears are from here, only in advancement. A fixed link is the real answer but that’s another story!


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