Holocaust Remembrance Day

Beauty Bellezza Beauté


Letter To My Son

(Ilse Weber – 1903-1944).

My dear boy, three years ago today
You were sent into the world alone.
I still see you, at the station in Prague,
how you cry from the compartment, and hesitate.
You lean your brown head against me
and how you beg; let me stay with you!
That we let you go, seemed hard for you —
You were just eight, and small and delicate.
And as we left for home without you,
I felt, my heart would explode
and nevertheless I am happy that you’re not here.
The stranger who is taking you in
will surely go to Heaven.
I bless her with every breath I take —
Your love for her will not be enough.
It has become so murky around us here,
Everything has been taken away from us.
House, home, not even a corner of it left,

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11 thoughts on “LETTER TO MY SON

  1. Nightmare…what we do to each other. To read a letter like this should show us in ever way possible how cruel and heartless people can be. But we learn NOTHING and so more letters are written to our children and to future generations, as warnings that nothing ever changes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This made me cry. I was heartbroken to learn of her tragic end, especially of the advice given to her about sitting on the floor of the “shower” with the children and singing songs with them…

    Thank you for sharing her beautiful work with us.

    Liked by 2 people

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