First Night Design | Alice, the Flamingo and Rabbit Holes

Alice in Wonderland: Alice and the Flamingo Postcard |

To illustrate my Alice card, the following is a very satisfying interpretation, written by Gigi at Rethinking Life, of what Alice in Wonderland is really about.

Alice didn’t fall down the Rabbit Hole, she bloody well jumped.  She was tired of her pre-planned life and wasn’t looking forward to marriage and the rigid rules that went with it.  She ran after the rabbit, curious and terrified that she would lose sight of him and be forced to stay where she was.  She saw him jump and she dove in head first after him.  Because she was willing to risk everything, she drank, shrunk, grew, found a new world, went to a fabulous tea party, met a crazed hat maker, a door mouse and enjoyed herself immensely.

She got to see an amazing cat, one who could disappear but leave his smile behind, a drug-addicted caterpillar and twin boys named Tweedle who were strange, to say the least.  She got to hold a flamingo. She saw huge, brightly colored,  flora, fauna and she learned that everything she saw could not be trusted to be real.  She saw the Queen of Hearts and ate a tart.  She saw that life didn’t have to be dull and boring, it could be so much more. She didn’t have to to get married, live in a house and do as she was told.  She realized that she could be free to explore everything. Even the Jabberwocky was interesting.   The biggest thing she learned was that she had the courage to take whatever risks came her way.  She was brave and wild.  She wasn’t cut out for a ‘normal’ life, she was meant for something different…she wasn’t going to settle, she was going to fly.  And that is the true meaning of the Rabbit Hole. Source: Alice.. | Rethinking Life

Take care and keep laughing!


20 thoughts on “First Night Design | Alice, the Flamingo and Rabbit Holes

  1. A great image and I do enjoy this version of the story. I hope you are feeling better, Sarah. I’ve just started reading a book called Life on the Victorian Stage. Early days but I think you’d enjoy it. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. I think you misunderstood me, Luanne! I wasn’t being peremptory. I confess to finding your question rather odd. If I’m not blogging, there is no way to keep up with me other than by visiting the galleries in case I’ve added a new piece!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I am so sad to see you go, but your health is priority Number One!! Take care of yourself. If you should ever feel up to it, please drop by and say hello – we’ll miss you

    Liked by 1 person

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