Out today in paperback: Small Town Talk – barneyhoskyns.com

If you’re interested in music, namely Woodstock, my cousin Barney’s book is the one to buy. But then I’m biased!

Faber’s UK paperback edition of my Woodstock history Small Town Talk is published today, June 1st. If The Guardian is to be believed, the book is both “fascinating” and “ent…

Source: Out today in paperback: Small Town Talk – barneyhoskyns.com

Take care and keep laughing!


16 thoughts on “Out today in paperback: Small Town Talk – barneyhoskyns.com

    1. The cataract operation was successfully done this morning, although it will take a while for my vision to settle down. Not such good news regarding the stitch in the left eye. I hope to update you all in the next couple of days. Thanks, Olga.

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    1. Thank you, Pete. He’s a busy chap so I don’t know whether he’ll see that I’ve reblogged but I’ll make sure he knows what you’re all saying. His latest is an excellent memoir, Never Enough, which I thoroughly recommend. x

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  1. The book sounds fascinating.
    Have read the other comments and am glad the cataract op went well but sorry it sounds like there’s a problem with the stitch. Don’t worry about replying to this – not sure you should be typing so soon after your op!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great recommendation…and I read your response to Olga….glad the eye op went well and am holding onto hope for your other eye. Keep smiling and hope you will enjoy a restful weekend…janet 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Now, this is exciting! I almost went to Woodstock. Still have the original record album. The books looks great!! Glad to hear your eye is on the mend, Sarah.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This looks like a truly interesting account. Thanks for recommending. (And no, I don’t think you’re biased at all!)

    Glad to hear the eye operation was successful – and that it’s OVER. I hope the stitch situation will be sorted out soon…

    Liked by 1 person

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