First Night Design | Baby Elephant Learns to Walk & Astaire Learns to Dance

FROM THE ARCHIVE: 9th March 2014 – I thought it was high time to be amused by this elephant again!

It doesn’t matter how often I watch this little video clip, it makes me laugh and empathise! The baby elephant shows the determination we all, or should, have. Pick yourself up, dust yourself…

Source: First Night Design | Baby Elephant Learns to Walk & Astaire Learns to Dance

Take care and keep laughing!



16 thoughts on “First Night Design | Baby Elephant Learns to Walk & Astaire Learns to Dance

    1. 🙂 Now here’s an interesting WP glitch, Olga. Ever since the original post, I’ve had regular notifications saying you’ve liked the post. How many times can a girl like one post? It’s weird. In fact, it’s partly so I could tell you this that I reblogged!


  1. I adore your little elephant babe and his mama. It’s very sweet. I popped by tonight to see how you were doing, expecting you were not posting much but lady, you just keep on going like that little pachyderm! I am very happy you are feeling ok for now and the stitches are out and your eyes are all done. Lovely tho recovery will be slow I imagine. I’m going to go address your reference to your new lips?? xxxooo

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    1. Thanks, Sherri, and for the reblog! Happy New Year! Talking of mental health as you have been, I’ve had to protect mine by not updating my blogs and just updating the accompanying FB page, which has made a huge difference. Now to stop watching or seeing news about Trump and Theresa May because the state of our two countries and the world is enough to bring on another stroke! Elephants are the best. I now have another dog who has changed my life! x

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      1. I know I have take so much time off last year.. its hard to keep up.. I have other blogs.. but honestly .. wordpress is the best.. I really lost a lot of friends not being around like I use to.. I am going back to Redbubble tomorrow and will open my New creations.//
        Animals do that.. don’t know what I would do without my dog and cat.. Me and my Jade are sharing a burrito while I am writing you..Sarah good talking to you … Sherri

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