The Hand Puppets That Bauhaus Artist Paul Klee Made for His Young Son Open Culture

[…] artist Paul Klee (1879-1940) loomed large in his child’s early puppet work. To mark his son Felix’s ninth birthday, Klee fashioned eight hand puppets based on stock characters from Kasperl and Gretl — Germany’s answer to Punch and Judy. The boy took to them so enthusiastically that his dad…

Source: The Hand Puppets That Bauhaus Artist Paul Klee Made for His Young Son Open Culture

22 thoughts on “The Hand Puppets That Bauhaus Artist Paul Klee Made for His Young Son Open Culture

          1. Not really. But I never found them remotely funny, even when taken to the circus as a youngster. Coulrophobia does affect a lot of people quite badly though. I had a female friend once who could not bear to even look at a circus billboard. x

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  1. Fascinating. Thanks for sharing, Sarah. As a child I was terrified of Punch ad Judy – so terrified I don’t remember. Apparently, my dad was holding me in his arms to watch a Punch and Judy show on the beach at Ayr, Scotland. He only realised my distress when he felt himself being choked. I had been stuffing his tie in my mouth, starting at the bottom and working my way up until he felt it tighten round his neck! I never found clowns funny and my son was petrified of them. One clown thought he could show him how un-scary he was and kept coming towards him. My son screamed louder and louder as the clown got nearer. The only book he ever defaced as a child was one with clown pictures in it.
    I’m sure someone must have done some research on this common phobia. Is that what Pete means by coulropobia?
    Have been on holiday which is why I’ve not been commenting recently. Had ten days of sunshine – sheer heaven. I hope you are doing all right?

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    1. How lovely – the sunshine not the coulrophobia! Yes, that is what Pete means. It’s a bit of a mouthful. I’ve just looked it up on Google and the first result from Charlie the Juggling Clown says: ‘Coulrophobia is a fear of clowns. The general public has become increasingly aware of this fear in recent years. I believe the word coulrophobia has existed for less than twenty years. I don’t know if there is increased incidence of fear of clowns or if there is just an increased perception of its existence.’

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