First Night Design | Decorated Valentine Fan for The Woman in Your Life

Decorated Valentine Fan © Sarah Vernon
Decorated Valentine Fan © Sarah Vernon

If you intend to shower your beloved with passion and romance, make sure you have everything to hand.

First, the greeting card.

The little party favour box which you can fill with the chocolates of her choice.

If that doesn’t take your fancy, you can choose a calendar of chocolates.

 I’m sure you already know what you’re buying as a present but if you’re short of ideas, how about a iPad Folio case.

Or a pretty cushion.

It goes without saying — unless you’re my  late ex-husband! — that you will want to wrap the presents.

And put them all in a matching gift bag.

Are you taking her for a romantic meal somewhere special  — a restaurant or cooking for her at home? Send her a beautiful invitation.

Fan from The Graphics Fairy.
Vintage Document from 2 Lil’ Owls.

Available at the following galleries:
Zazzle US
Zazzle UK
Fine Art America
Fine Art England

Take care and keep laughing!


22 thoughts on “First Night Design | Decorated Valentine Fan for The Woman in Your Life

  1. A lovely romantic design, Sarah, reminiscent of a gentler age.
    (I have just had Julie’s birthday last week, and now have to deal with Valentine’s Day. What with that, and Christmas, it all comes a little too close together, in our house.)
    Best wishes, Pete. x

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