Marie Langston Carter | Rethinking Life

Another charming and life-affirming short story from Gigi at Rethinking Life.

Photo of Corinne Michel West (1908-99), taken by Jon Boris: from Pinterest

Marie was a poet, a thrill seeker and an artist.  She had a style of her own and she didn’t care what anyone else thought.  She was a free spirit and marched to her own drummer.  Her poems were deep and life changing.  She wrote about her own life and the things she had seen during her travels.  Her poems were about love, hate, war, compassion, poverty, death and beauty.   She left bits of herself in each of her poems.

Men fell in love with Marie quickly and fully.  She enjoyed them but never promised anything more than a few hours of her time.  She had no desire to meet the needs of another person and was happy with the life she led.  Children would have tied her down and having to cater to a man was never on her agenda.

During her travels she met great people, famous people and people in desperate need.  She saw clearly that the world was divided into the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots.’  She did what she could, wherever she went, and when she..

Source: Marie Langston Carter | Rethinking Life

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