First Night Design | Quotation #1 – Rose Macaulay

Undiscovered Country © Sarah Vernon
Undiscovered Country © Sarah Vernon

The beautiful Jane Morley from View from a French Hillside has nominated me to take part in a quote challenge, which requires three quotes over three days and the tagging of three other blogs each day. If you want to revel in glorious photography (available as greeting cards) taken in an around her French home, I can highly recommend a visit to her blog. There’s a tea room, and a boutique — Galerie de La Maison — attached should you find yourself in South West France!

Rose Macaulay
Rose Macaulay

My first quote is from the British writer Rose Macaulay [1881-1958] and is one that I stencilled in old gold around the petrol green wall of the bathroom in my second London flat. I say it to myself every time I look at the mess around me!


“At the least, a house unkept cannot be so distressing as a life unlived.” Rose Macaulay

If you visit the artist Clive Hicks Jenkins’ blog, you will discover gorgeous photographs of the Macaulay family home in Wales which now belongs to Clive and his partner Peter.

Here are three lovely people with three lovely blogs I’m tagging for the challenge. Dear friends, if you are pressed for time, please don’t feel you have to take part.

  • Life in Russia — An American living in Russia cannot help but have a different perspective. We are fed so much manipulated rubbish about Russia that it is a breath of fresh air to read about the reality. Look out also for his beautiful re-telling of indigenous fairy tales.
  • Gigi of Rethinking Life is a hoot. She posts photographs of flowers and her beloved Chicago, ponders on the nature of politics and peace, and writes charming, life-affirming tales with some unexpected stings that gladden the heart.
  • Juli at juxtaposed skewers the appalling state of UK politics with her cutting verse and biting comment and is not to be missed.

Take care and keep laughing!


23 thoughts on “First Night Design | Quotation #1 – Rose Macaulay

    1. You don’t know you’re born, Anne, if you’ve not experienced the joy of leaving the house untidy and going off to explore! Then again, since you travel to and fro all the time, you seem to have it pegged – house kept and live lived. 😀


  1. Tell you what! I’ll post them here! Quotation #1:

    From ‘Clothed with the Sun’- “True love is stronger than a thousand deaths; for, though one die a thousand times, a single love may yet perpetuate itself past every death from birth to birth, growing and culminating in intensity and might.” ~ Anna (Bonus) Kingsford, 1846-1888

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