First Night Design | Dancing in Crete

Flowers growing just outside the local church [η εκκλησία]
We call it a Greek Salad but I’ve heard the locals call it a ‘country salad’ [σαλάτα]
Our beloved Cretan mongrel when he was a little younger. Most of the time he’s a good little dog! [καλό σκυλάκι]

Mr FND and I have become ex-pats by moving to the Greek island of Crete, the reasons for which will be revealed in a later post. It is the best decision we have ever made.

Take care and keep laughing! [Να είστε καλά και να κρατήσει το γέλιο!]

I will have to check with my online writer friend, Nicholas C Rossis, that this last translation is correct as we have not yet mastered the language. It will happen!


36 thoughts on “First Night Design | Dancing in Crete

  1. Hello there! Your Greek is μια χαρά. I am just not sure about the ‘να κρατήσει το γέλιο’. Did you mean that you want the laughter to last? (that’s what you said). If that’s what you meant, then your Greek is perfect!

    I have never been to Crete, mind you. We’ve been to numerous places all around Greece, but somehow Crete seems to have escaped our yearly holiday plans.

    I would love to hear how you chose to move to Greece and how you are living your Greek experience. Keep writing!

    Liked by 2 people

        1. It’s the classic Greek cheese, Feta, although there are many other incredible cheeses that are less well-known outside the country. (I’ll change the ‘do’ – meant to do that when I first saw it!)


      1. I have to agree on that Sarah. I haven’t bothered to eat tomatoes here for decades, as they taste of nothing. There is a lot to be said for eating Greek-style, in many respects.
        Best wishes, Pete.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. That explains a lot! I hope that Nicholas can help, with local customs and bureaucracy. I have been to Crete. We stayed about three miles from Agios Nikolaos. It was in August 1984, and I remember a huge amount of mosquito bites, that almost sent me home. There was insufferable heat, all day and night, as well as lamentable local sewage, that blocked the drains, and dictated that we could not use toilet paper.
    Nice villages in the mountains though, and Rethymnon was memorable for a nice beach, and cool breezes. Other than that, good luck with the summer heat, and the biting insects!
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The insects still bite though they change type every year and the infrastructure is much better than it was. The weather can be insufferable for others but it takes so much for me to be warm because of my condition that when it’s hotter than hot, it’s only mildly irritating for me. That last is a big reason why we moved, along with the slower pace of life and, not least, the optimism of the Greeks. We’ve not been to Agios Nikolaos but have visited Rethymno. In fact, I’ve just pulled out one of my Rethymno photographs to do something with. The mountains are wonderful. Glad you know now, Pete.


      1. If you get the benefit of the hot weather, I am sure it will help you immensely to live there. I suppose I could get used to it eventually, it was sleeping that was the problem, It was only 15 days though, so not a definitive look at Cretan living by any means. I am glad to hear that the infrastructure is a lot better, but I appreciate it was a very long time ago when I visited. Those lovely mountain villages, eating outside in a cool breeze; the harbour and seafront restaurants, serving fish just off the boats. I am envious now. Well, a bit. x

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