First Night Design | Lounging Around on Sunday | Cushions

I have had a relaxing Sunday morning creating new cushions for my store and enjoying every moment of it. There are certain products available at Zazzle to which I enjoy adding my art more  than others.  Cushions — or pillows, I understand, if you’re from the US — are one such. This may be because my life depends on cushions if I am to avoid serious pain and discomfort. It may also be because cushions do so much to alter a room. After all, it’s cheaper than painting or decorating if you long for a change!

Girl on a Bicycle
Girl on a Bicycle

The Smoking Concert 
The Smoking Concert

Take care and keep laughing!


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23 thoughts on “First Night Design | Lounging Around on Sunday | Cushions

  1. These are beyond Gorgeous!!! You are extraordinarily talented. The Queen and the Hookah just cracked me up! I went on your Zazzle sight and see that she can be found on many other innovative items. What is your background training in? Wow! Really impressed.


    1. You have no idea how happy you’ve made me, Stephanie! I’m self-taught as far as art is concerned as my background is acting and I trained for that in the ’70s. But there are artists and writers, as well as actors, in my background so I guess inherited genes are the answer to your question!


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