First Night Design | Biking Back to School #Sold!

Tell me and I’ll forget.
Show me, and I may not remember.
Involve me, and I’ll understand.

I adore this Native American quote because it shows how important it is for education to be involving and fun. To follow this in action, visit Jennie of A Teacher’s Reflections. She is a superb teacher who should be cloned throughout the world and I’ve told her so!

Take care and keep laughing!


19 thoughts on “First Night Design | Biking Back to School #Sold!

    1. The sun is continuing to shine and I feel blessed. From last Friday until 23rd July there’s an event here called Open Studios which means art exhibitions all over the place. Many of the artists open their own homes at this time. I’m planning to visit a couple in Bembridge and St Helens. Hope life is delightful in your neck of the woods. xxx

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