First Night Design | The Eyes Have It!


Just a quick note to say that my left eye is even worse and the next appointment is not until January. The NHS have left it so long that a lovely little ‘film’ has grown over the stitch that remains embedded. With the cataract in the right eye ripe for the plucking, I’m finding it almost impossible to read or write at all. This means I shall not be doing my daily visits, ‘likes’ and comments. Sorry.

I will still be publishing the short product posts because little reading or checking is needed to ‘press’ these. But please bear in mind that I will only be ‘liking’ your lovely comments and not actually responding.  All your contributions are, as ever, hugely appreciated so please don’t think that my ‘caring’ bone has disappeared along with my sight!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American followers!

Take care and keep laughing!


29 thoughts on “First Night Design | The Eyes Have It!

  1. Sarah, I’m so very sorry to hear this. I’m also sorry to hear that you won’t be seen until January. Hopefully, things will improve quickly after you see the doctor next time. Perhaps they will be able to squeeze you in earlier, if there’s a cancellation or they find room. I’ll be thinking about you and sending healing wishes your way. I hope this is all over soon.

    Liked by 2 people

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