Thomas Eakins: Photography and Science


4138RRS0B1L._SX342_On the 25th of July 1844, American realist painter, photographer, sculptor, and fine arts educator Thomas Eakins was born in Philadelphia, U.S. Sometimes called America’s greatest painter, Eakins conducted many scientific investigations in anatomy, mathematics, perspective, and photography, which were vital to his art. He used photography as both a science and an art. In addition to his famous studies of animal locomotion with Eadweard Muybridge, Eakins also created other forms of photographs of remarkable psychological depth and beauty, among them, numerous nude studies of his family, students, professional models, and Eakins himself. “For Eakins the nude human figure became a symbol of freedom, intellectual and sexual liberty, and opposition to narrow-minded prudery. …Eakins saw the nude not as a transcendent image, nor as an allegorical or traditional one: it was a marvel of nature, the superb end product of centuries of evolution. To see and study the body in this way…

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10 thoughts on “Thomas Eakins: Photography and Science

  1. Hello dear Sarah….I have been thinking about you a lot – and hoping that you are now beginning to settle. Thomas Eakins is an artist I am very familiar with….given that I lived not too far from Philadelphia for 23 years, and often visited the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts…Thank you for highlighting his work and the work of Muybridge….both very interesting artists. Hoping the weather is agreeing with you…and sending best wishes Janet:)xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a coincidence! I’d be able to settle better if I had gas and electricity but there’s been a hideous cock-up with the lettings agents who should have sorted it out as soon as my tenants left. Grrr! xx


  2. I have seen many of these photos before, but didn’t know the name of the photographer.
    I hope that your domestic situation is resolved soon. Having no power is just unacceptable in this day and age.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

    Liked by 1 person

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