Heavens to Betsy But Moving is Exhausting!

Snapshot of front door and boxes © Sarah Vernon

Heavens to Betsy but moving is exhausting, as if we didn’t all know! It’s going to be at least another week or two before I’m back to normal or as normal as my life ever is. My landline and internet are not going to be up and running until 1st August so I’m still having to pop into the Pilot Boat Inn next door.

There are great advantages to having them as neighbours and I’m thankful that it’s not a rowdy establishment. I stayed there for three days before I could actually move into the cottage and the rooms are excellent. Included in their restaurant menu are mussels accompanied by a cream sauce with white wine and Vermouth, which is to die for. In fact, I’m so besotted I’ve yet to try anything else on the menu.

As for the process of moving, when your mobility and dexterity are limited, it takes a great deal more time and effort to do what you can and organise help for what you can’t.  My niece and sister-in-law are doing as much as they are able but the stumbling block, which will come as no surprise to my friends, are the boxes of books. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I said to the delivery guys. ‘I promise to stop reading!’

The locals are charming and helpful while the supermarket provided me with the biggest laugh:

Notice in supermarket © Sarah Vernon
Notice in supermarket © Sarah Vernon

I look forward to ‘rest bite’ care as and when.

In the meantime…

Take care and keep laughing!


34 thoughts on “Heavens to Betsy But Moving is Exhausting!

  1. I had to look twice I thought you were living in Ambridge, nice looking pub, must have missed that one when we visite IOW a few years ago. The rest bite advertisement made me smile although the CRB, which she should know is now the DRB (Disclosure and Barring Service) isn’t really worth the paper it’s written on. I hope the move hasn’t been too exhausting. Take care, Chris

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  2. I hope everything works well even if it’s always stressful and slower than one expected. AT least the advert lady doesn’t say she’s an editor or expert in grammar and spelling. Good luck, Sarah!

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  3. Ah, the continuing love/hate struggle with moving… hate the process but love the liberating feeling of downsizing and redecorating. Thank goodness you have the muscles next door to “assist” – best of luck!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that Sarah but am so glad now that you have found your safe harbour. Having “been there, done that” am so glad you have been able to find both yourself and peace once again.💜

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    1. Thank you! Oh, Puff, it’s just divine. I don’t think I could have chosen better. In spite of the travails of settling in and organizing, I feel an enormous sense of relief and peace. Next time you’re over and can spare the time, do pop down. I shall certainly come over to you at some point in the not too distant future. Xxx

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  4. I had to laugh when you promised the delivery guys you would stop reading! I could promise the same thing, but really…who would I be kidding?

    I love the floor in your new house. I know it’s an odd compliment, but it is a great floor.

    If I lived in your neighbourhood, I would take you next door to the pub for a Housewarming Drink. 🙂

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    1. The floor is very special, isn’t it. I was struck by it when I first saw the details from the agent – it’s that black stripe (which I would never have thought of doing) that makes it. I shall imagine the housewarming drink and if you’re ever in this neck of the woods…!

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