Hidden portrait ‘found under the Mona Lisa’, could lead to it being renamed | News | Culture | The Independent

_87084414_17b8b144-0b86-4b5b-bab3-204a08903ae6.jpgA French scientist claims to have discovered a different portrait hidden behind that of the Mona Lisa, following 10 years of analysis using reflective light technology. Pascal Cotte claims that Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous work contains a figure that has neither the direct gaze nor subtle smile that the painting is known for. The Mona Lisa currently hangs in the Louvre and is effectively the most valued painting in the world, its insurance – adjusted for inflation – being at $782 million. The museum has declined to comment on the scientist’s claims.

Source: Hidden portrait ‘found under the Mona Lisa’, could lead to it being renamed | News | Culture | The Independent

32 thoughts on “Hidden portrait ‘found under the Mona Lisa’, could lead to it being renamed | News | Culture | The Independent

      1. There is a lot of $$$ at stake, so the general public may never know the real truth. Personally, I tend to believe it, as many of his paintings were painted over to save on canvas and other supplies. We may never know…

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  1. What is the fuss about. Many paintings by the old masters will have another image beneath that was painted over. From what I saw it looked a pretty good picture but was obviously not one the Master preferred…or maybe he did but it wasn’t paid for. At the end of the day we have a painting that Leonardo presented to the world and which has become well loved. No-one is going to wipe it off to get to the image below so what does the image below matter?
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx

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  2. Lots of features about this on the TV news recently. Like other visitors, I wasn’t that surprised, as painting over work was nothing unusual. I suppose when it involves such an iconic painting (which I don’t like that much, to be honest) there will always be a lot of attention.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

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  3. I’ve learned to appreciate the Mona Lisa and why it’s so highly regarded…but ultimately, I’m kind of “meh” about it.

    However, I like that there appears to be no end of “secrets” associated with this painting, whether real or not. In fact, I think I’m going to waste the rest of the morning doing an online search for all the theories associated with the Mona Lisa. I’m serious!

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