W. H. Auden Says It Best!

FROM THE ARCHIVE 15th January 2013

Portrait of W.H. Auden (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I was rather amused the other day to read this quote by the poet  W.H. Auden:

“We are here on earth to do good unto others.  What the others are here for, I have no idea.”

Auden’s poetry certainly does me good.  However, if I never hear Funeral Blues (Stop All the Clocks) again—the poem read by John Hannah in Four Weddings and a Funeral—it will be too soon!  Read it, yes.  Hear it at funerals, no!  A friend of mine, an actor and Anglican priest (a rather marvellous combination and a rather marvellous friend), says there has been no lessening in the number of funerals using Funeral Blues or, for that matter,  Robbie Williams’ Angels.  No comment!

The Auden I love above all else is Night Mail.   Predictable of me?  Perhaps.  Give yourself a treat and…

Source: W. H. Auden Says It Best!

23 thoughts on “W. H. Auden Says It Best!

  1. I remember the vintage film of ‘Night Mail.’ The poem read at the speed of the train going over the tracks, as sorters worked inside the carriage. Wonderful stuff.
    Like you, I lament the overuse of certain themes at funerals. At my Mum’s funeral, I said this, from memory.
    I managed it almost to the last word, and was fortunately saved by the strains of Glen Miller.
    Best wishes, Pete.

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