Birdcage Blossom Writing Paper

My service provider is saying I used up 30gb (my monthly limit) in the second week of February. How on earth? Something’s happening that I don’t know about and I have to work it out before the start of the next month, which starts on 8th March. I’ve stopped the syncing with iCloud (I’m on a Mac) and limiting what I upload to my online storage but if anyone has any ideas as to what else might be happening that I’m unaware of, I’d be immensely grateful.

In the meantime, in-between-time, ain’t we got fun with this re-blogged writing paper!

First Night Design

Birdcage Blossom
Birdcage Blossom Writing Paper by FirstNightDesign

Something sweet to send you to sleep with pleasant dreams!  This would make a beautiful present for all the ladies among your family and friends.

Birdcage Blossom products

Take care and keep laughing.

About Sarah & First Night Design

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