First Night Design | The Best $50 I’ve Ever Spent (almost!)

A week before my laptop went belly-up, I had engaged the services of Jason Cushman of Harsh Reality aka A Opinionated Man (yes, the lack of an ‘n’ is intentional, before anyone comments) to increase my followers. In just a few days, I had so many new followers, I didn’t know whether I was coming or going! A thousand thanks, Jason!

Equally, I’d like to thank all my new followers — you’ve made an opinionated lady very happy!

While Jason has recently posted that he’s taking a break from accepting more commissions and may or may not return to it, I hope he does, not least because I need to increase my following on Rogues & Vagabonds!

Please check out his blog. It may not be to everyone’s taste but I’m very fond of his kind of ‘harsh reality’.  He says it like it is.  You might disagree with some of his opinions — I certainly do — but you will be prompted to comment, and that’s no bad thing when it comes to blogs – it’s the essence of conversation and debate, after all. If you’re easily offended, steer clear. After eighteen months, I have yet to take umbrage.

Take care and keep laughing!


8 thoughts on “First Night Design | The Best $50 I’ve Ever Spent (almost!)

  1. Reblogged this on HarsH ReaLiTy and commented:
    I appreciate the kind words and I am happy to see your website take off! Even though I am no longer doing consulting for now, I love that I was able to help a few bloggers to “branch out.” I wish you all the best with your website and continued success! -OM
    Note: Comments disabled here, please visit their post.


  2. Hey – – somehow you fell off my reader! I’m amazed at what all you’ve been doing over here! And you’re the second blogger I know to say that Opinionated Man really made a difference. So glad to see. You deserve a huge following!!! Multi-talented lady, are you! Hope all is well!


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