First Night Design | About Last Night

Foyles, Charing Cross Road
Foyles, Charing Cross Road
[photo: Wikimedia]

Last night I dreamed I went to Foyles Bookshop again. The old Foyles, the Foyles where you could never find the book you wanted but had so much fun in the trying; the Foyles in which every employee knew exactly where you would discover the desired volume.

Roald Dahl was there.

Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl
[photo: Wikimedia]

Harry Dean Stanton was there.

Harry Dean Stanton
Harry Dean Stanton
[photo: Wikimedia]

Roald Dahl told me I should read Harry Dean Stanton’s autobiography.

Harry Dean Stanton said it was up to me if I wanted to buy his book or not.  He could care less.

I bought it. Stanton had written it under the pen-name of ChlsLachlos.

“I don’t understand.”

I woke up.

Discuss with reference to symbolism, children’s literature, iconic cinema, dreams and Les Liaisons Dangereuses.

Answers on one side of a postcard only.

Take care and keep laughing!


8 thoughts on “First Night Design | About Last Night

  1. Loved the old Foyles, it was like an ante-room for my university library. I spent many happy afternoons wandering around upstairs, just seeing what I would happen upon. I was devastated when I visited London for the first time in ten years to find Foyles turned into a Superdrug, or such like. Oh the irony ! Thanks for happy memories.


    1. I think it’s just the adjunct to the main shop that is no longer Foyles. Or perhaps it’s the other way round! Difficult to tell from the photograph. It’s a crying shame. It was a magical place. I used to go there regularly when I was at drama school to buy plays or sheet music and was always, of course, waylaid by the fiction and biography and returning late for a class! I do wish the powers-that-be would leave some things alone. I’m sick of the endless quest for modernisation. It had a charm no longer evident except in small, independent bookshops.


      1. True. It is easier to find things now, but not being able to find anything was part of the fun. And of course, always got you to find things you were not looking for but discovered you’d always needed them when you found them.


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