First Night Design | Femme Fatale in Sepia

Femme Fatale in Sepia © First Night Design
Femme Fatale in Sepia © First Night Design

The back of a vintage postcard from The Old Design Shop proved the perfect setting for this lady and her fan. Where she came from I’m not sure but I believe I picked her up at some village fair when I was in my teens.

Femme Fatale
ˌfam fəˈtɑːl/
An attractive and seductive woman, especially one who will ultimately cause distress to a man who becomes involved with her. Early 20th century: French, literally ‘disastrous woman’.

Art Prints

Take care and keep laughing!


15 thoughts on “First Night Design | Femme Fatale in Sepia

  1. I love the mix of pictures and ephemera. It’s really effective. When winter comes back and I start hunkering down to my scrapbooks once more, I might see if I can get a look like that. Thanks for the inspiration.


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