A Lesbian Artist Who Painted Her Circle of Women at the Turn of the 20th Century

Romaine Brooks, “Self-Portrait” (1923), oil on canvas, Smithsonian American Art Museum, gift of the artist

WASHINGTON, DC — Tucked into a far corner of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, an exhibit showcases the extensive career of artist Romaine Brooks, a turn-of-the-20th-century icon who’s since bee…

Source: A Lesbian Artist Who Painted Her Circle of Women at the Turn of the 20th Century

22 thoughts on “A Lesbian Artist Who Painted Her Circle of Women at the Turn of the 20th Century

  1. How wonderful. I’ve never minded, or thought much about where you are coming from in terms of race, culture, sexual orientation or any other classification people cleverer than me can think of, but I care deeply about people being honest about what they see, as well as charitable and wise in the way they express it, and this portrait seems to encapsulate these values 🙂

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      1. There is a line of poetry from Thomas Gray which I’ve always treasured, and sometimes quoted which goes, “What mute inglorious Milton lies buried here” and it so so true that the most famous names in the creative world may not necessarily be the very finest born on this planet, but its a rough and tumble world with a rough and tumble pecking order. I’m so glad this lady is getting some of the notice she clearly deserves 🙂

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