First Night Design | #CoverMakeOver Week 7 — This Desert Life

#photorehabcovermakeover Week 8 This Desert Life © Sarah Vernon
#photorehabcovermakeover Week 7 This Desert Life © Sarah Vernon

When Julie Powell gave us the challenge of re-imagining the cover for Counting Crows’ album, This Desert Life, I didn’t know what I was going to do. I adore the original by Dave McKean but didn’t want to repeat any aspect of it. Well, I have — as you can see, there’s a fish! I’ve used my surreal Beating the Blues design and changed it to violet so no hint of a desert as there is with McKean’s background. And why violet? I made it a dark lime green to start with and thought better of it because so many of my makeovers have been green-based.

The band’s name is in Shopaholics Regular which looks rather different and pleasing from my having stretched the characters. The title of the album is in PT Sans Narrow Regular.

this-desert-life_counting-crowsThis Desert Life is the third studio album from Counting Crows. The cover art is by noted comic book artist Dave McKean, best known for his work with Neil Gaiman, and was adapted from the cover art McKean did for Gaiman’s picture book The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish. [Wikipedia]

‘It’s likely that critics and listeners will consider Counting Crows’ long-delayed third album,This Desert Life another retro effort by a traditionalist band, but it’s actually their most individual and finest album yet.’ [AllMusic]

Click here for instructions if you would like to take part in future challenges.

Take care and keep laughing!


12 thoughts on “First Night Design | #CoverMakeOver Week 7 — This Desert Life

  1. The original is good, but reminded me of Magritte’s apple-head man. Although you have no desert motifs, your treatment has worked well. I don’t know the music of this group, but I am sure that it would suit their style.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

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