First Night Design | #CoverMakeOver Week 4 — Believe #Cher

#photorehabcovermakeover Week 4 Believe - #Cher © Sarah Vernon
#photorehabcovermakeover Week 4 Believe – #Cher © Sarah Vernon

cher_believeWeek 4 and Julie Powell has given us an album cover to work our magic on. As she says, the original cover does not have a great deal to recommend it.

‘[Cher] reached a new commercial peak in 1998 with the album Believe, whose title track became the biggest-selling single of all time by a female artist in the UK; it features the pioneering use of Auto-Tune, also known as the “Cher effect”.’ Wikipedia

Whether my take has anything to recommend it, I know not! I seem to have continued my penchant for black following my cover for Simon Jones’ film, Moon, although this was mainly dictated by the black & white photograph of Cher from Wikipedia that I’ve used. Since this photo dates from 1989 and the album was released in 1998, I’d guess she had a rib or two removed between the two dates! The font is an interesting one called Heartstrings Regular, which I’ve not used before.

Click here for instructions if you would like to take part in future challenges.

Take care and keep laughing!


16 thoughts on “First Night Design | #CoverMakeOver Week 4 — Believe #Cher

  1. Funnily enough, I heard this on the car radio yesterday. Cher was such a natural beauty, it’s a great shame that she interfered with herself to such a degree. Your cover shows her animated and looking happy. Better than the pensive pout on the original.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

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