First Night Design | Ruddy Duck #Art

Ruddy Duck © Sarah Vernon
Ruddy Duck © Sarah Vernon

This is the fourth in my new bird collection using images from the Biodiversity Heritage Library on Flickr. I have used the same background as for Whirring Pheasant Springs and The Cuckoo’s Note but am not using a poetical quote for its title: a ruddy duck it is and a Ruddy Duck it shall be, partly because it’s such a euphonious and satisfying phrase to say out loud.

The Ruddy Duck, or the Erismatura bird is, I have discovered (and wait for me to forget because as sure as eggs is eggs…) is found in North America and the Andes Mountains in South America (thank you, Wikipedia). They migrate in winter to coastal bays and unfrozen lakes and ponds. As for sustenance, their diet consists of the seeds and roots of aquatic plants, along with aquatic insects and crustaceans, which they secure by diving and swimming underwater. Sounds like fun.

For my next trick I will probably give you four butterfly images!

Update: The butterflies will come after the fourth one as I’ve just realised that this is the third in the series and I need to do number four! I can’t count.

Available soon!

Take care and keep laughing!


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