First Night Design | Educationally Speaking

In an age when our educational system is in disarray, Sir Ken Robinson, a world-renowned education and creativity expert, is the shining light at the end of the tunnel — if we did but listen. Or, rather, if those like the UK’s Education Secretary, Michael Gove, and his ilk stopped their dangerous, interfering nonsense and listened to Sir Ken’s wise analysis and started working towards the ways in which education could truly benefit every single human being, no matter what their supposed talents or supposed lack thereof.

Education has never been perfect. When I was at school in the ’60s and ’70s, it was fairly mundane and never really brought out the best in any of us but it was a great deal better than it is now, from the sound of things, and we were able to go out into the world with some basic skills, if not much else.

The following video is a beautifully animated version of a talk given by Sir Ken for the RSA that shows exactly how the system, from the beginning, was bound to fail the majority of people passing through it, and how a completely different approach is the only way to stop the rot.

With thanks to Rethinking Life for alerting me to the talk and the accompanying video.


Take care and keep laughing!


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